new creature

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Quote of the day

Your successes fuel your ambition. Your successes give you extra energy. Your successes pave the way for more successes. It's the snowball effect. When you achieve one success, your excited to meet another...and another... and another. Pretty soon, the disciplines that were so difficult in the beginning- the disciplines that got you going- are now part of your philosophy. And they keep you going. ~

Quote of the day

Your successes fuel your ambition. Your successes give you extra energy. Your successes pave the way for more successes. It's the snowball effect. When you achieve one success, your excited to meet another...and another... and another. Pretty soon, the disciplines that were so difficult in the beginning- the disciplines that got you going- are now part of your philosophy. And they keep you going. ~

Quote of the day

Your successes fuel your ambition. Your successes give you extra energy. Your successes pave the way for more successes. It's the snowball effect. When you achieve one success, your excited to meet another...and another... and another. Pretty soon, the disciplines that were so difficult in the beginning- the disciplines that got you going- are now part of your philosophy. And they keep you going. ~

Quote of the day

Your successes fuel your ambition. Your successes give you extra energy. Your successes pave the way for more successes. It's the snowball effect. When you achieve one success, your excited to meet another...and another... and another. Pretty soon, the disciplines that were so difficult in the beginning- the disciplines that got you going- are now part of your philosophy. And they keep you going. ~

Quote of the day

Your successes fuel your ambition. Your successes give you extra energy. Your successes pave the way for more successes. It's the snowball effect. When you achieve one success, your excited to meet another...and another... and another. Pretty soon, the disciplines that were so difficult in the beginning- the disciplines that got you going- are now part of your philosophy. And they keep you going. ~